HTML Attributes


HTML Attributes

By Tony 2.18.2024
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Attributes are additional information added to a tag. They provide more information about the tag's class, id, title, style, function, and more depending on what the tag is. A tag can have multiple attributes that have different usages.

Note: There isn't a JavaScript function, so nothing happens when the button's clicked.

To give a tag an attribute, type the attribute's name first, then type the "=" sign, and type the value (information), of the attribute in between the "" symbols. Always put attributes in the opening tag and use spaces to seperate different attributes.

Attributes make HTML tags even more powerful. By selecting a tag's id or class attribute, you can style the tag or run JavaScript code with it! And that's not all, there are hundreds of attributes for different tags and different usages. Attribute is a really important and powerful part of HTML5. Check our references for more interesting attributes and learn more 😄!