The <img> Tag
By Tony 2023.2.19
Almost every webpage has images on it. Images give users a visual understanding for a thing. This article will tell you how to put images on your webpage.
This is an image tag's code:
<img src="example.png" alt="Image">
Note: <img> tag doesn't have a closing tag.
In this line of code:
- <img> tells the browser this is an image tag.
- "src" (source) attribite tells the browser to show image "example.png" on the screen. It can be a link of an online image or the path to an local image.
- If the browser couldn't find the image correctly, it would show whatever is in the "alt" (alternate text) attribute on the screen.
Usually the image will be very big. To make it smaller, you can add
"style" attribute or "width" attribute, and folow CSS syntax to
style the image:
<img src="example.png" style="width:100px;">
The list above shows 4 most important elements of an <img> tag. You can also style it, give it an id or a class, or give it a title by adding other attributes.