More Than 30 Bugged MacVG Games Now Playable


So, there’s been a problem on MacVG since the huge January update on 1/1/2024, where you couldn’t type in certain games, making them almost unplayable. The experience was terrible. While working on the July update, we went through the JavaScript files to optimize and improve performance. We checked each code and found an event listener that was preventing the keydown event’s default actions, meaning you couldn’t type in games.

We have no idea why that piece of code was there, but after removing it, the bug was finally fixed! Now you can type in so many games. Thanks to your feedback, we identified and resolved this issue! This fix didn’t have any negative impact, so you can now enjoy tons of games like the Vex series, Google Feud, Mario, Minecraft, and more, which you couldn't play before due to the annoying bug!